Having the lowest price on a book on Amazon is the absolute biggest factor in your chances of selling it. Condition and feedback rating are distant 2nds and 3rds in this imaginary race of selling factors I just made up. Since I get most (pretty much all) of my books for free, I'm always able to undercut the lowest price, and sometimes I do it by a significant amount. Sometimes, this leads to an undercutting war with whoever else had the lowest price before I listed (on more common books, this really isn't an issue as books will plummet to $0.01 really fast).
When I get into an undercutting war, I'll get annoyed if someone just keeps undercutting by one cent increments, so I'll just drop my price to $0.01, wait for them to re-inflate their price, and then bring mine back to just under them.
Such was the case with a recent book I was selling, but I took it one step further and actively mocked the other guy's copy (read my book comments):

Like I said in the inaugural post: this blog is boring.
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